My blog got choe-zen..... I lost some kay-geeze.....
today is oar-summm!
Thanks the lords above for some P.O.S.I.T.I.V.I.T.Y Finally. I was starting to think that giving up the ciggies was a mistake..... JOKES! gotcha- as if! Best move ever, although there gave been some interesting side effects- which I will get to later. First let me gloat a little... WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I can't believe it.
I started this blog shortly after the finalé workout. It's purpose was, and still is, to keep me accountable. It is also to share my experiences and stories and hopefully motivate and encourage my besties who had just come onboard for Round 2. AND NOW, well you all get a little piece of me! YAY I mean you may as well take it now because in 8 weeks there just won't be enough of me goin' round (if all goes to plan). So if you are a new visitor WELCOME and thanks for stopping by. I hope you can take something from this blog, even if it's just one of my heaps cool work-out tune suggestions. Also, thanks for those peeps out there that nominated me! I know who you are and I send virtual hugs your way.
Anywho, I better get on with it. I feel that there's just so much to get through this week. WIW. After last weeks poor results (with reason) I was determined to get those scales back to 75kg. Sorted out my exercise planner and promised myself to eat clean and burn some serious calories. So all was going to plan until I decided to take a sneaky peek on the scales on Sunday (come on I know I'm not the only one who does this).... WTF My weight had now rocketed to 78.2kg. Seriously? My heart sank. What the crap was going on?
Well that's exactly it, the crap wasn't going on. But this wasn't obvious to me until I tried to do the big Adventure Run on Sunday. Pumped for a 10km trail run around Studley Park and the Yarra, I intially felt really good. Unfortunately once I started running I felt soooo uncomfortable. I tried to push through the pain, even took a sneaky squat in the bush thinking that this would be the cure... NUP. I really couldn't do it. It was just me and Sarah because Susie was overseas (bayitch). It was a tough run to begin with - loads of hills, but I really wanted to push myself and get those calories burnt and my milage up. But it was just too tough. We cut the run short and power walked the rest of the way, not once did Sarah give me hell for giving up. Love that chick! Check Sarsie out below It was such a beautiful morning besides all my troubles. This was taken at the top of Studley Park- nice little view of the city in the background.
Anywho, back to the story - I really couldn't run anymore. And Sarah, the smart cookie, pointed it all out, "No Coffee? No Ciggies? It kind of makes sense Em if you think about it" OMGEEE, no wonder!
So, to cut a long story short and spare you of all the gorey details, (lets just say I succumbed to the Coffee's for medicinal purposes). I am slowly getting back into gear. I did another Bikram class on Monday for some more quality stretching and detoxing....AND YAY I weighed in this morning back at 75.2kg. Weeeeee.
Also, after waking up to hear that my blog was nominated "Inspirational" by Miche and the 12WBT team, I practically jumped into my runners and headed out the door. I needed to smash out a big run and today was gonna be the day. It had to be. I was nervous as hell that I wouldn't be able to do it again - but success and a distance of 11km's- my furthest to date.
Today's run was a goodie. Great little path from Carlton, through the Fitzroy Gardens, to the Tan and back. Check out the route below.
And now onto this week's tune.....
Sarah's fiancé is a DJ, so naturally it's important for me to play it cool when she asks me about the type of music I listen to when I'm running.
Sarah: "So if you want Jimbob (that's her Beyonce) to hook you up with some tunes let me know"
ME: Oh yeah cool what like?
Sarah: "Well you want some dub-acid-electro-lounge...." BLUR Crrrrrsh Crrrrr Durbs officially tuning out
ME: "Sure"
Um what? Like am I that uncool that I have no idea what the music she speaks of is like? As you may have gathered from my Power Song suggestions. I like things that have a really good beat- I know the kewl kids call it Bass. This weeks power song is full of BASS and I may have been busted swinging my knees doing the bop - otherwise known as "gettin my swagger on"(once you hear the song you'll get what I'm saying) at the trafic lights in Collingwood. If only I had my baggy jeans, I would have been all over it!
This weeks song is Soulja Boy - Crank That
Thanks again for all of your support.
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